Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Autore/i: Pope Francis
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Codice (SKU): 9788820995416

Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's mercy. The mystery of the Christian faith seems to find its synthesis in this word. It has become alive, visible and has reached its culmination in Jesus of Nazareth. The Father, "rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4), after having revealed his name to Moses as "a merciful and merciful God, slow to anger and rich in love and fidelity" (Ex 34:6), never ceased to make known in various ways and at many times in history his divine nature. In the "fullness of time" (Gal 4:4), when everything was arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his Son born of the Virgin Mary to reveal his love definitively to us. Whoever sees Him sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth reveals God's mercy by his word, his gestures and his whole person.

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Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's mercy. The mystery of the Christian faith seems to find its synthesis in this word. It has become alive, visible and has reached its culmination in Jesus of Nazareth. The Father, "rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4), after having revealed his name to Moses as "a merciful and merciful God, slow to anger and rich in love and fidelity" (Ex 34:6), never ceased to make known in various ways and at many times in history his divine nature. In the "fullness of time" (Gal 4:4), when everything was arranged according to his plan of salvation, he sent his Son born of the Virgin Mary to reveal his love definitively to us. Whoever sees Him sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth reveals God's mercy by his word, his gestures and his whole person.

Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
AutorePapa Francesco
Anno di pubblicazione2015
N. Pagine46
ArgomentiGiubileo della Misericordia
Lingua prodottoEnglish
  • Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni
Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
AutorePapa Francesco
Anno di pubblicazione2015
N. Pagine46
ArgomentiGiubileo della Misericordia
Lingua prodottoEnglish
Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni