The Gift of Fidelity The Joy of Perseverance Manete in dilectione mea (Gv 15,9) Guidelines Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

The Gift of Fidelity The Joy of Perseverance Manete in dilectione mea (Gv 15,9) Guidelines
Autore/i: Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Codice (SKU): 9788826605340

The Gift of Fidelity The Joy of Perseverance Manete in dilectione mea (Gv 15,9) Guidelines
This volume brings together reflections on the problems inherent in fidelity and perseverance in the state of consecrated life. For this reason, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has elaborated some indications or lines of preventive intervention and accompaniment. With this in mind, the present document proposes to provide guidelines which, on the basis of the norms of the Code and of dicasterial practice, are useful to all consecrated men and women and to all those who have roles of responsibility in both governance and formation.
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Disponibilità: Disponibile
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Nessuna opzione di spedizione - Scegli un Paese di consegna

The Gift of Fidelity The Joy of Perseverance Manete in dilectione mea (Gv 15,9) Guidelines
This volume brings together reflections on the problems inherent in fidelity and perseverance in the state of consecrated life. For this reason, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life has elaborated some indications or lines of preventive intervention and accompaniment. With this in mind, the present document proposes to provide guidelines which, on the basis of the norms of the Code and of dicasterial practice, are useful to all consecrated men and women and to all those who have roles of responsibility in both governance and formation.
Per qualsiasi domanda contatta il nostro Servizio Clienti.

Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiSacerdozio / vita consacrata
Lingua prodottoEnglish
N. Pagine182
Anno di pubblicazione2020
  • Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni
Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiSacerdozio / vita consacrata
Lingua prodottoEnglish
N. Pagine182
Anno di pubblicazione2020
Solo gli utenti registrati possono scrivere recensioni