Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter on care for our common home

Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter on care for our common home
Autore/i: Pope Francis
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Codice (SKU): 9788820995805

Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis on care for our common home.

Official edition by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana

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Disponibilità: Disponibile
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Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter by Pope Francis on care for our common home.

Official edition by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiAmbiente e sviluppo
AutorePapa Francesco
Lingua prodottoEnglish
Anno di pubblicazione2015
N. Pagine200
Leggi le recensioni
Laudato Si
Anne Stead 22/10/2016 01:23
A perfect message for the world if it will listen.  I think Pope Francis is one of the very few people in the world who will be listened to but, as he emphasises, it is  concerted action on the part of us all which may be the only way which the planet, which is our gift from God, can be saved.  We can all only pray that this book will have the reaction which the Pope intends.  Perhaps we should bear in mind that none of the other creatures in the world have any powers to save their home - only we humans. A wonderful book which I could not put down until finished.  I should add that I am not a loony green but just an ordinary elderly Catholic.  Thank you for publishing and making available.
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Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter on care for our common home
Stella Ng 06/01/2020 12:28
Happy New Year.

Sorry for my late reply.
Yes, I got what I ordered very promptly.  I like the products of your company. I will keep looking what I need from your shop and get it when I needs.

All the best and Happy 2020 to your shop and all of your employees.
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Specifiche di prodotto
Categoria:Specifiche Prodotto:
ArgomentiAmbiente e sviluppo
AutorePapa Francesco
Lingua prodottoEnglish
Anno di pubblicazione2015
N. Pagine200
Leggi le recensioni
Laudato Si
Anne Stead 22/10/2016 01:23
A perfect message for the world if it will listen.  I think Pope Francis is one of the very few people in the world who will be listened to but, as he emphasises, it is  concerted action on the part of us all which may be the only way which the planet, which is our gift from God, can be saved.  We can all only pray that this book will have the reaction which the Pope intends.  Perhaps we should bear in mind that none of the other creatures in the world have any powers to save their home - only we humans. A wonderful book which I could not put down until finished.  I should add that I am not a loony green but just an ordinary elderly Catholic.  Thank you for publishing and making available.
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Laudato Si' Encyclical Letter on care for our common home
Stella Ng 06/01/2020 12:28
Happy New Year.

Sorry for my late reply.
Yes, I got what I ordered very promptly.  I like the products of your company. I will keep looking what I need from your shop and get it when I needs.

All the best and Happy 2020 to your shop and all of your employees.
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