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Rome & Vatican City

Discover the catalog of books, guides, calendars, prints and posters dedicated to Rome and Vatican City. Topics include: Sacred Art, Biographies, Sistine Chapel, Vatican Council II, Year of Faith, Jubilees, Photographic Books, Vatican Museums, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, Pope John Paul II, Pope Pius XII, and more. Best web price & delivery worldwide. 100% Made in Italy.

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Roma Sacra The Vatican Grottoes
Autore/i: Vittorio Lanzani
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€9.00 €10.00
€14.40 €16.00
€9.00 €10.00
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€11.99 €19.99
presentation by H.E. Card. Angelo Comastri. The package contains a rosary with the reproduction of a panel from the Holy Door. Typology of Rosary: Pearl 7mm white
€9.00 €10.00
€5.00 €24.99
€27.00 €30.00
€14.40 €16.00
€9.00 €10.00
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