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International Bookstore

In our International catholic and religious bookstore you can find books and editions in 8 languages by the Vatican Publishing House (LEV) and other major catholic publishers, along with multilingual DVDs by the Vatican Television Center (CTV), CDs of sacred music by the Sistine Chapel Choir, official calendars and planners of Pope Francis, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, prints, posters and drawings in various measures and subjects, sacred Images, novenas. Delivery worldwide.

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Aqua Fons Vitae Valuing and caring for a common good: Water Acta post webinar March 22-26, 2021
Curatore/i: Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€13.30 €14.00
Laudate Deum Esortazione Apostolica a tutte le persone di buona volontà sulla crisi climatica
Autore/i: Papa Francesco
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€1.80 €1.90