Missale Romanum Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008 - half-calf edition

Missale Romanum Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008 - half-calf edition
Edizione latina a cura di Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Editore: LEV Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Código (SKU): 9788820981204
Last edition of the Latin altar missal with the modifications made to the Editio Typica Tertia. With 14 color plates outside the text (subjects by P. Marko Rupnik, author of the wonderful Redemptoris Mater Chapel of Pope John Paul II in the Vatican).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Half leather binding
Language: Latin

 Latest edition of the Latin Altar Missal (Missale Romanum) in Latin with the changes to the editio Typica Tertia. With 14 original colored plates from P. Marko Rupnik (author of the wonderful Pope John Paul II's Redemptoris Mater Chapel at the Vatican).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Language: Latin
Binding: Leather-bound, half-calf

 The last edicion of the Latin misal para el altar (Missale Romanum) with las modifications hechas a la Editio Typica Tertia with 14 tablas fuera del texto a colores de P. Marko Rupnik (autor de los mosaicos de la maravillosa Capilla Redemptoris Mater, inside the Vatican , querida por el Papa Juan Pablo II).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Encuadernacion en media piel.

 The dernière version of the Missale Romanum in langue latine, with the new impression of the Missel par rapport à la Editio Typica Tertia.
14 Hors-Texte en couleur  de P. Marko Rupnik (author of the mosaics of the merveilleuse chapelle Redemptoris Mater du Pape Jean-Paul II in Vatican).
Format: Livre, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Langue: Latin
Reliure: demi-cuir

Letzte Auflage des Römischen Altar Messbuchs, mit der Revision zum Editio Typica Tertia.
Format: Buch, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Bindung: Halbleder-band
Sprache: Latein

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Last edition of the Latin altar missal with the modifications made to the Editio Typica Tertia. With 14 color plates outside the text (subjects by P. Marko Rupnik, author of the wonderful Redemptoris Mater Chapel of Pope John Paul II in the Vatican).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Half leather binding
Language: Latin

 Latest edition of the Latin Altar Missal (Missale Romanum) in Latin with the changes to the editio Typica Tertia. With 14 original colored plates from P. Marko Rupnik (author of the wonderful Pope John Paul II's Redemptoris Mater Chapel at the Vatican).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Language: Latin
Binding: Leather-bound, half-calf

 The last edicion of the Latin misal para el altar (Missale Romanum) with las modifications hechas a la Editio Typica Tertia with 14 tablas fuera del texto a colores de P. Marko Rupnik (autor de los mosaicos de la maravillosa Capilla Redemptoris Mater, inside the Vatican , querida por el Papa Juan Pablo II).
Format: Book, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Encuadernacion en media piel.

 The dernière version of the Missale Romanum in langue latine, with the new impression of the Missel par rapport à la Editio Typica Tertia.
14 Hors-Texte en couleur  de P. Marko Rupnik (author of the mosaics of the merveilleuse chapelle Redemptoris Mater du Pape Jean-Paul II in Vatican).
Format: Livre, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Langue: Latin
Reliure: demi-cuir

Letzte Auflage des Römischen Altar Messbuchs, mit der Revision zum Editio Typica Tertia.
Format: Buch, 38.5x25.5x9 cm
Bindung: Halbleder-band
Sprache: Latein

Especificaciones de productos
AutorCongregación para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos
Idioma productoLatinum
N. páginas1314
Cubiertade tapa dura, encuadernacion en media piel
Año de publicación2008
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Missale Romanum Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008
Alfred Kleinhappel 25/3/2019 10:35
Vienna, a 15 marzo 2019

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Especificaciones de productos
AutorCongregación para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos
Idioma productoLatinum
N. páginas1314
Cubiertade tapa dura, encuadernacion en media piel
Año de publicación2008
Leer todas las Reseña(s)
Missale Romanum Editio Typica Tertia Emendata 2008
Alfred Kleinhappel 25/3/2019 10:35
Vienna, a 15 marzo 2019

Noi abbiamo ricevuto il libro Missale Romanum e siamo grati per questo libro.

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