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International Bookstore

In our International catholic and religious bookstore you can find books and editions in 8 languages by the Vatican Publishing House (LEV) and other major catholic publishers, along with multilingual DVDs by the Vatican Television Center (CTV), CDs of sacred music by the Sistine Chapel Choir, official calendars and planners of Pope Francis, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, prints, posters and drawings in various measures and subjects, sacred Images, novenas. Delivery worldwide.

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Padre Pio da Pietrelcina. Narratore della presenza di Dio ai giovani
Autore/i: Nazario Vasciarelli
Editore: LEV - Padre Pio da Pietrelcina
€21.15 €23.50
L' amore più grande. Padre Pio da Pietrelcina
Autore/i: Angela Chiara Lauriola
Collana: pastorale e spiritualità - testi mistici
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€7.20 €8.00
Padre Pio e i Doni dello Spirito Santo Carismi ordinari e straordinari
Autore/i: Giovanni Antonacci
Prefazione del Cardinale Marcello Semeraro
Editore: Libreria Editrice Vaticana
€23.75 €25.00